Communications Forum

ACI E Communications Forum clear


With the evolution of airport operators as brands, effective communications both internally with employees and partners on the airport site and externally with the wider world is a key priority. With so much information being communicated to a diverse range of audiences, across an ever-increasing array of channels, this Forum aims to help airports to take stock of these developments, learn from each other and prepare for and make the most of the next innovation.

Established in 2013, the Communications Forum was created by ACI EUROPE to facilitate exchange on the rapidly-evolving discipline of communications, encompassing PR (including crisis communications), multimedia formats (such as live video, animation, podcasts and more) interactive communications tools (online, in-terminal and mobile) and conversation management tools such as social networks and messaging apps.
1. Mission statement and work programme
  • To promote and exchange best practices in communications, in particular in relation to brand management, online presence, social networks, digital PR, mobile communications and how these technological developments are transforming our industry.
  • To contribute to the work of ACI EUROPE in analysing and reporting on the adoption of new communications tools and development of new communications practises by airports and their impact on the passenger experience and public perception of airports.
  • To present its annual work programme to the Executive Committee of the ACI EUROPE Board in January of each year.
  • To contribute to the creation of the programme for some annual ACI EUROPE conferences to which airport communications are relevant.
2. 2020/2021 Forum Leadership
The current Chair is Elena Dimopoulou (Athens Airport).
The Vice-Chair is Nigar Seyda Yilmaz (iGA Istanbul Airport).
The main ACI EUROPE representative is Agata Łyżnik.
3. Membership
As of September 2021, there are over 80 members in the Communications Forum. The average attendance at meetings is usually 40 people.